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Licky Lex + Luca Bella - Fucking padlock
Visceroid [February 22, 2018]
I am curious why there are any cuts at all in this video, since is in a more private setting. Luca was not cheating this time and was much better.

Morgan - Nude photoshoot
a70l1234 [September 12, 2015]
Kind of . Please more videos. little suspense
and then run full. Geil.
hihia28 [November 03, 2015]
i love this so much. please do more naked desperation/leaking videos like this one.
TruFan3 [January 18, 2016]
Leaking is always the best!!! Nice to have it in English too.
theflash22 [March 16, 2016]
Awesome video. Please do another one with a girl leaking around.
desperation [September 12, 2016]
great movie I love leaking girl
peequent [September 03, 2017]
super video... please do more leaking desperation
Espor13 [October 23, 2020]
Its just a bit off putting that he doesn't notice. I like to imagine he does and enjoys continuing anyway. Great video.
nosemuscle [June 24, 2022]
Possibly your best video!
nosemuscle [October 30, 2023]
This is my all time favorite video!!!
Hibou1408 [August 06, 2024]
La meilleure vidéo de toutes pas mieux meme ailleurs mmmmmh

Claudia + Veronika - Like a racehorse
fischer666 [October 20, 2017]
The scene is perfect but in my opinion, Licky is much better as assistant. She have more fun.
Sertraline [July 27, 2023]
Quite good, but it would have been even hotter if Claudia had just stood in front of Veronika and pissed in her skirt...

Morgan - 60 minutes
fitschi [September 08, 2015]
Oh my god, what are you doing with this pretty girls?My guy, you are crazy and what a fantastic idea from yourside. Please more tortoure videos!!
Cthulu [October 04, 2015]
Nearly perfect video! Few more pussy shots when pissing and everything is perfect! Thx!
warmwetmessy [November 19, 2020]
Amazing video. Incredibly sexy and lots of desperate fun. Bravo!
Adamastor [December 18, 2023]
Pois, mas dessa hora, quanto teria ele aguentado se fôsse uma mulher a fazer-lhe o mesmo? Talvez os primeiros cinco a dez minutos,,, já teria sorte.

Luca Bella - Squirming on the tram
hellraiser [October 10, 2016]
shame! That's why we need this challenge to be made with models who can be trust like Naomi,dee,lexi dona, ...
tegelgate1 [October 11, 2016]
Brilliant! pls more of this :)
falcon [October 11, 2016]
These are my favorite types of videos! Keep them coming! I am OK with the ending, it shows how desperate the girl was! Real desperation is the best!!!
Hitman [October 11, 2016]
IDK... with the new structure of the site having twice as many piss videos already, when we get to a wetting day, it kinds sux not to get a wetting.
desp_fan [October 11, 2016]
Really love the premise, being out and about in public adds that extra bit of realism, and incentive to the girls to hold on to the max. Keep it up!
Admin [October 11, 2016]
Guys, it would be great if she wet herself but this ending couldn't be predicted. In 95% other cases we do manage to capture the girl wetting herself.
Cthulu [October 11, 2016]
I made a survey for this format:
desp1999 [October 11, 2016]
These are absolutely the best desperation vids out there - and despite the ending, this is probably the best one yet.Absolute genuine desp.Keep it up!
Hitman [October 11, 2016]
@admin , I think the realism is great but this shows we could go a full week w/out a wetting vid, and with monthly sub format, that's rough IMO.
Admin [October 11, 2016]
Don't worry, "wetting" videos without wetting like this one will be rare. Sometimes it happens that the girl can hold it. Not often, don't worry :-)
david83 [October 11, 2016]
The concept is really good and the clips will be unpredictable as it should be. but I wanted the camera less shaky.
Admin [October 11, 2016]
This video was filmed by the girl, hence the shaky camera. The cameraman was waiting for them, ready to film the wetting.
Revenant99 [October 12, 2016]
I actually really like the ending in here. It just purely shows how desperate the girl is that she decides to move away and drops down her pants
Revenant99 [October 12, 2016]
Also I really like when the girl use her instinct, due to her desperation, instead of just following some rules. Luckly she make the right choice :-).
marcusfl [October 12, 2016]
I love the ending. Great pissing and such a genuine relief. Just splendid.
tcbnorge [October 12, 2016]
Like i have said before this desperation videos is what i like best about Lovewetting. I think it is to much pissing videos now hope for more desp/wet
Minethlos [November 08, 2016]
This is the best pissing video I've ever seen! In the end she peed with such a strong stream for such a long time!
Minethlos [November 08, 2016]
And the fact that she just ran into the bushes is very realistic, just what a woman would do in this situation :)
Visceroid [February 22, 2018]
Luca you cheat! This is very disappointing. Otherwise, genuine desperation and good, but I did not even see a leak on her jeans when she give up.
Visceroid [February 22, 2018]
I must admit this setting is my favourite. If you find models who will not cheat and if they have public accident, it would be perfect!
verint [May 26, 2018]
One of the best videos. I know a lot of people like the wetting but this video was amazing. I actually like it when they 'make it'.More like this pls
pdawg192 [July 25, 2018]
Best traveling video ever! Have them WIN every now and then, and be able to produce huge gushers of relief!!
pdawg192 [July 25, 2018]
Best traveling video ever! Have them WIN every now and then, and be able to produce huge gushers of relief!!
siegala [June 07, 2020]
One of the best commercial desperation videos ever. It’s genuine, she was close to tears on the tram. She made it just in time. Great peeing!????????
xqball22 [January 15, 2021]
yall trippin this is easily one of the greatest videos I've ever seen. Need more public desperation peeing.
tibarary [January 26, 2021]
This is one of your best video!! The emergency public pee make it even better, don't have to be wet pants every time!!
Siegala246 [May 08, 2022]
Probably one of the best commercial desperation videos of ALL TIMES. Can’t be more genuine and extreme desperation
RichardOakgreat [October 10, 2022]
Wow! This is REAL desperation and BURSTING bladder! That girl was desperate for HOURS and the final is a HUGE PISS like NIAGARA falls!

Vanessa Hell - Fuel in, Urine out
jean180274 [May 22, 2015]
Very good!
desplover [November 27, 2015]
one of the best!!!
desperation [May 29, 2017]
Cabling [March 29, 2018]
le meilleur !!! le plus reel.
Mediumbear [December 21, 2018]
This video is great. She pees wonderfully
Ohoh43 [August 09, 2020]
One of the best vid's that I've ever seen!
username [February 23, 2021]
Sertraline [August 04, 2023]
This is the hottest wetting video on your site and I would love to see shorts like these, wet by a girl like Vanessa, much more often on LoveWetting.
Sertraline [August 04, 2023]
This is the hottest wetting video on your site and I would love to see shorts like these, wet by a girl like Vanessa, much more often on LoveWetting.

Naomi - Like a man
arch313 [April 11, 2016]
Finally more Naomi. Great video a good effort at peeing in waist high sink.
mousecat [April 11, 2016]
Absolutely hot ! This girl is so sexy ! I like her :-)
marsha [July 24, 2017]
hot scene, but I absolutely hate the lengthy instructions and comments by the cameraman. This goes for all the clips. Keep quiet and let the girls do.
Admin [July 28, 2017]
The cameraman intentionally explains the instructions to increase her desperation to pee. But I will talk to him about it, I understand your point :-)

Naomi - Strong stream
mousecat [April 11, 2016]
Hey, look at that stream ! And that butt ! I love her !
arch313 [April 13, 2016]
OMFG Naomi out does herself great video and you can see she is having fun while being very desperate.
falcon [April 14, 2016]
That was perfect!
cammie [July 09, 2016]
An all time great- Naomi just the best. Can we have Naomi black nylons, shor black skirt, drinking & desperate, cant go at all till she pees herself?
thedoctor [February 18, 2021]

Violeta - Like a man 2
condomy [May 24, 2016]
like a man !!! please more
aleeik20 [December 05, 2018]
Love this!!
Frank99 [January 03, 2021]
Violette Pink
nosemuscle [October 30, 2023]
Violeta is beautiful... More, please!

Dee - Five rounds of desperation
wadess [May 31, 2015]
Loved this video.. Offering smaller perseverance reward would generate better attitudes in models. You'd be able to add fun to by content.
gowavedave [January 03, 2016]
Great and authentic desperation. Awesome video. But I didn't like the close-ups on the clock or the glass while model was in full action.
hanagatayu [March 04, 2022]
I love this kind of bitch fighting for money and desperately peeing herself at the end